The 110% Award is presented by the District Governor at District Conference. This honor recognizes one Rotarian in each Area who has excelled in carrying out the Rotary mission by giving 110% effort to strengthening their club, increasing humanitarian service, and extending Rotary’s public image.
Each Area Governor should nominate one 110% Award candidate by February 1, 2024.
The nominee will have been a Rotarian for at least two years, have held Club Leadership positions, and be on track for Leadership Opportunities. The Nominee will have:
- Exceptionally performed Club and Committee assignments
- Accepted additional responsibilities if asked
- Contributed to the quality of Club programs and service projects
- Engaged Club Members
- Participated in Club Public Image
District Governor Paula Alston will announce the 110% Award Recipients at the 2024 District Conference.
The Area Governor will present the 110% Award Pin and Certificate to the recipient at the conference. Please make every effort to ensure your recipient is present at the conference.