EMCBP is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation Registered Charity No. 1155976 Established 1994For general enquiries: E-mail: emcbp@tiscali.co.ukWeb site: www.emcbp.org.ukOnline Bookings: https://www.emcbp.org.uk/BookingsTelephone: 07503 145146
Please provide the name, postal address or email address and occupation of two references (not family) who would be willing to provide a reference as to your suitability to become a volunteer with EMCBP. A reference request will ask for an opinion as to your suitability to work with children and vulnerable adults and ask the reference provider to confirm (to the best of their knowledge) whether or not you have any criminal convictions.
N.B. Please note - the reference request will be emailed to the referee, unless you request otherwise.
Office address: EMCBP, Portland Basin Marina, Lower Alma Street, Dukinfield, Cheshire. SK16 4SQ Secretary: EMCBP, 144 Sheffield Road, Hyde, Cheshire. SK14 2PJ