Electric Vehicle Charger Install
First Name
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Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
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Do you rent or own the property?
Do you need to get permission from your HOA or any other third parties?
Is your garage attached or detached?
Is your home a single family with 1 electrical meter base?
Please locate the round electrical meter, likely located on the side of your home. Take a photo of it standing back far enough that it also captures the ground and roof line.
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Where is your main electrical panel located?
How many electrical panels do you have?
What is the size of the main electrical breaker? (this is located on the main breaker at the top of the panel)
Please take a photo of your main electrical panel from 15-20 ft back and show its location.
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Now, please open the panel door and take a picture of the inside of the panel. Make sure the photo is not blurry so we can read the labels.
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What type of vehicle are you planning to charge at home?
Where is your proposed location for the EV charger?
When standing in the driveway facing the garage, which wall do you want your charging station mounted?
Please take a photo of the entire area where you would like charging installed. Step back 10-20 feet from preferred spot.
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Roughly how many feet from the main panel to the preferred charging location?
What type of access is potentially available to the installer for routing the wiring from the electrical to the charging location? (Example: unfinished basement)
Is your basement ceiling a drop ceiling or open floor joists?
How many central air conditioning units does your home have?
How many refrigerators does your home have?
If you have a pool or spa, how many electric pumps does it have?
Is your home powered by solar panels?
Does your home have an integrated backup generator?
Are there any other electrical appliances that you may have?
How do you plan to charge? A hardwired wall connecter or a plug in charger?
How did you hear about us?
Additional questions or comments?
Recommended: take a video from main panel to proposed charging location showing walls and ceilings.
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