The OCDSB / OCENET & Chengdu Board of Education, its officers, employees, agents, volunteers and representatives will not be held responsible for any loss or injury sustained by the candidate during the travel and study periods. If the applicant becomes ill or incapacitated, the OCDSB / OCENET & Chengdu Board of Education and its representatives may take measures they deem necessary, including obtaining medical treatment and transporting the patient home at his / her family's expense.
Each family must purchase health insurance from the travel agent as part of the overall exchange cost.
The undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify OCENET, OCDSB and Chengdu Board of Education for damages or expenses caused by our child's behavior or voluntary or negligent actions while in China.
Any inaccuracy in the application is grounds for the OCDSB/OCENET & Chengdu Board of Education to terminate the agreement and send the student home without refund and at the parents' own expense.
I have read, understand and agree to follow the rules and guidelines as outlined above.