An emergency can be reported from any source- a worker on site, an outside agency, or the public. Circumstances may change during the course of an emergency. This EAP is intended to provide instruction that will guide workers in their response to any situation.
The following instruction covers basic actions to take in an emergency. These steps apply to almost any emergency and should be followed in sequence.
- Stay calm
- Assess the situation
- Take command
- Provide protection
- Aid and manage
- Maintain contacts
- Guide emergency services
Stay calm – Your example can influence others and thereby aid the emergency response.
Assess the situation – Determine what happened and what the emergency is. Look at the big picture. What has happened to whom and what will continue to happen if no action is taken? Try to identify the cause that must be controlled to eliminate immediate, ongoing, or further danger.
Take command – The most senior person on the scene should take charge and call, or delegate someone to call, emergency services—generally 911—and explain the situation. Assign tasks for controlling the emergency. This action also helps to maintain order and prevent panic.
Provide protection – Eliminate further losses and safeguard the area. Control the energy source causing the emergency. Protect victims, equipment, materials, environment, and accident scene from continuing damage or further hazards. Divert traffic, suppress fire, prevent objects from falling, shut down equipment or utilities, and take other necessary measures. Preserve the accident scene; only disturb what is essential to maintain life or relieve human suffering and prevent immediate or further losses.
Aid and manage – Provide first aid or help those already doing so. Manage personnel at the scene. Organize the workforce for both a headcount and emergency assignments. Direct all workers to a safe location or command post. This makes it easier to identify the missing, control panic, and assign people to emergency duties. Dispatch personnel to guide emergency services on arrival.
Maintain contact – Keep emergency services informed of situation. Contact utilities such as gas and hydro where required. Alert management and keep them informed. Exercise increasing control over the emergency until immediate hazards are controlled or eliminated and causes can be identified.
Guide emergency services – Meet services on site or at site location entry point. Lead them to the emergency scene. Explain ongoing and potential hazards and cause(s), if known.
Guidance Procedures for Potential Emergencies
- Warn others in the immediate area. Notify the appropriate emergency response personnel by phone or radio and pull the nearest fire alarm if present.
- If nearby staff have been trained, and it is safe to do so, fight the fire using a portable fire extinguisher. Remember, if in doubt get out.
- Evacuate the premises via the nearest exit and proceed to the nearest Emergency Assembly Area.
- Re-enter only after the Emergency Coordinator has given an ALL CLEAR.
Gas Leaks/Chemical Spills - Upon smelling or noticing a gas leak or unusual vapors, or a chemical spill:
- Pull fire alarm (if present) or sound warning and evacuate the premises via the nearest exit
- Proceed to the Emergency Assembly Area
- Contact local emergency response personnel by phone or radio
- Re-enter only after the Emergency Coordinator has given an ALL CLEAR.
If employees are required to control a release of a hazardous substance, to perform cleanup of a spill, or to carry out testing before re-entry, the Company shall provide:
- Adequate written safe work procedures and documented training.
- Appropriate personal protective equipment which is readily available to employees and is adequately maintained, and
- Material or equipment necessary for the control and disposal of the hazardous substance.
Bomb Threats
- If a threat is received by phone, mail or other means, get as much information as possible.
- If the threat is received by phone, try to keep the person on the line for as long as possible. Do not hang up the phone, even after the call has been terminated.
- Contact local emergency response personnel by phone or radio.
- If a suspicious device is identified, evacuate the immediate area and notify local emergency response personnel.
Medical Emergencies
- Call for assistance by phone or radio. Give the exact location and details of the medical emergency.
- If qualified, provide basic first aid, and keep the person comfortable. Do not move the person. Do not leave him/her unattended.
- Arrange for emergency medical transportation based on the medical planning portion of the site’s Emergency Action Plan.
- Get down on the floor, take shelter under tables or desks, and protect your face and head against flying glass and debris.
- Once it is safe to do so, evacuate the premises via the nearest exit and proceed to the nearest Emergency Assembly Area.
- Re-enter only after the Emergency Coordinator has given an ALL CLEAR.
Workplace Violence
- Notify security immediately by phone or radio and report the occurrence.
- Do NOT attempt to physically intervene. Protect yourself first at all costs.