This form is not a confirmation of your booking, only your booking request.
We will be in touch within 48 hours to start the discussion of your travel needs based on this form.
All travel requests require a booking fee with BL!SS. This is dependent on the numbers of days needed with the sitter.
We will work with the family and sitter to arrange accomodations and stipends for the sitter. BL!SS will create a placement agreement with all the details for the family and the sitter. This can be used as a guideline for hours worked, overnights and travel requirements.
These details will allow us to start the draft of a quote that provides you will all the coverage including travel and overnight plus the cost of care.
Our goal is to match a sitter based on the needs of your family. We will always have the sitter do a meet and greet with the family if this is your first time with the specific sitter.