Flower Fund Request - Clackamas Unit Only
The flower fund is more than just for flowers and funds can be requested to support members in times of happiness, sorrow or general needs. This includes new babies, death in the family, major life events, retirement gifts, other misc. life changing events. For all non-profit requests, please refer to the foundation request form.
Type of request
Please Select
New baby
Death in the family
Retirement gift request
Other life event
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Name of recipient
First Name
Last Name
Address of recipient (we have on file if they're a member)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number of recipient
Please enter a valid phone number.
Date delivery requested
Please provide information pertaining to your request. This would include any family information or names, details of the request and any other long term needs that we can assist with. Flower orders range from $50-100 and retirement gifts are up to $500. Other misc. requests are case by case basis. These requests are for Clackamas unit only as this fund is funded by the Clackamas unit members. All other members can make request through their shop steward to the Eboard or Foundation Request form.
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