Behavior Contract (Parent/Guardian)
Keeping in mind that Camp Lu Lay Lea is a Christian camp; inappropriate
behavior, language, and actions will not be tolerated. Here are the written
guidelines we expect to be followed.
1. No fighting or bullying.
2. No foul or offensive language.
3. No inappropriate sexual behavior.
4. No cell phones - we understand that this will be hard for all of us
(even staff), but for many reasons, we ask that cell phones not be
brought to camp. If a camper brings a cell phone to camp, the cell
phone will be taken and locked up until it can be given to the parent
at check-out.
5. Campers will not be involved with smoking, vaping, or alcohol use while at Camp Lu Lay Lea.
Not following these guidelines could result in dismissal from camp without
As a parent I agree to my child following the rules and if not followed
understand that I may have to pick him/her up early and forfeit camp fees.