Register An Antique Vehicle
$50 per car. Antique Vehicles Only. Fee is non-refundable.
During Registration: The drivers of all vehicles must submit a valid driver's license, proof of vehicle insurance, and a copy of vehicle registration. The drivers of all vehicles in the parade are prohibited from consuming any alcoholic beverages.
The driver of the vehicle has a valid driver's license
The vehicle has proof of insurance
Vehicle Make
Vehicle Model
Vehicle License Number
Vehicle Color
Driver Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Captains Name (Cannot be the same person as the driver)
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Please Read And Accept The Following
All Float Captains designated as the responsible party will be required to sign a contract. Float Captains and Drivers MUST attend mandatory meeting at the Carencro Community Center.
Each float, trailer, etc. must designate a Captain.
No consumption of alcoholic beverages on school property.
I have read & understand Carencro City Ordinance 2023-009.
Each float must be equipped with at least one fire extinguisher in good working order.
No vulgar music is to be played on vehicle, float, trailer, etc. during parade. All Music/PA Systems must be muted when entering Carencro High until inspection is completed.
No vulgar throws or obscene material may be displayed on or thrown from floats.
NO GLASS CONTAINERS ON FLOATS. All floats will be inspected by Carencro Police and if glass containers are found, the float and its riders will not ride the parade, and ALL fees will be forfeited.
Any float driver caught drinking will be stopped and detained. Float will be removed from the parade route (NON-REFUNDABLE).
There shall not be any open flame from any cooking device or from any other source on any float or tow vehicle.
Each trailer or float will be required to have at least 42 inch side wall. The entry/exit must be equipped with a gate/closure and no person may enter or exit a float during the parade.
The number of occupants of any float may not exceed the number of feet in length of the float, excluding the tow vehicle. EXA: a 40-foot-long float may only have 40 riders.
No float or tow vehicle with more than 18 tires shall be allowed, nor any vehicle ortow vehicles with the front bumper more than 36 inches in height when measured from the pavement to the bottom. The tires on any float or tow vehicle may not extend more than 2 inches from the wheel wells.
The following items are not to be thrown, handed or in any way delivered from anyvehicle or float: drug-related items, including, but not limited to, items depicting drugs or drug use, sexually oriented items, glass containers, alcoholic beverages and any item that contains any portion of alcohol or any pointed object. All trash must be kept on float.
There will be no filling of generators with fuel during the parade. That must be done prior to your float getting on the parade route.
***** No alcoholic beverages in cab of vehicle. Float driver DUI checkpoints will be enforced before, during and after the parade. Several alternate routes off the parade route will be available for floats that are not following rules (drivers drinking or exiting vehicle, etc.). *** Licensed Antique Vehicles only *** Sorry no walking dance teams***The Carencro Mardi Gras Association appreciates your help and participation in making this a safe and wonderful parade.
Copy of vehicle insurance, registration, and driver's license of both the driver and captain must accompany this application. In addition, a copy of the contract, available on the website, must be downloaded, filled out, scanned and uploaded below.
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