______ There is a bequest in my/our will or trust to benefit the Kappa Foundation. It includes:
______ a specific dollar amount of $_________________
______ a percentage of my estate of _______________%
______ the residue of my estate
______ The Kappa Foundation is a/the beneficiary of my IRA or other retirement plan.
______ The Kappa Foundation is the beneficiary of:
______ a Charitable Remainder Trust
______ Other
This gift is to be used for:
______ Unrestricted (use where needed most)
______ A specific program or scholarship named here:
______ I am uncertain at this time; please contact me to discuss where I may direct my gift.
______ I would like others to be encouraged by my/our example and I hereby give permission for my/our name(s) to be published.
______ I would be interested in sharing my story with the Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity.
______ I would like to remain anonymous and prefer that my name not be published.