Membership Rules Signing this application is an indication that I, the parent/guardian and I, the student, have agreed to fully participate in the program I have applied for. This includes attending and/or actively participating in community service projects, social events, fundraising events, etiquette.
The parent and student, agree to follow the rules and regulations established by Young Debs Inc. I also agree to uphold those standards while participating in the program. I also understand that if I fail to abide by those standards, I may forfeit my participation in the program and all privileges provided by Young Debs
I, the parent, also agree to uphold the rules and regulations established by Young Debs Inc and assist in ensuring my daughter/son abides by those standards. I understand that the organization has the right to add addendums to the handbook as needed and will be notified if such changes occur.
I also confirm that all information provided in the application is true, and that falsifying any information may cause my child(ren)'s dismissal from the program. I, the parent, agree to submit all dues by the deadline.I understand the program dues are $450 for the year regardless if my child participates in all events. However, I am requesting a sponsohip to help reduce the cost so my child may actively participate. If a partial sponsorhsip is granted I agree to pay the remianing balance. If my child does not actively participate, I understand that the sponsorship maye be forfieted.