The primary purpose of the Clinton County Solid Waste Management District is to increase waste reduction through the practice of encouraging recycling and litter prevention activities throughout Clinton County. One method in which the Solid Waste District goes about promoting this message is by working closely with local municipalities to encourage and provide resources for recycling and solid waste-related activities.
With this in mind, the Solid Waste Management District is sponsoring the Community Grant to provide these municipalities with the necessary resources to implement various recycling and litter prevention activities in their areas, thus furthering environmentally-friendly waste management efforts in their communities. Approximately $5,000 has been specifically set aside for the 2025 grant year.
Applications for the Community Grant will be accepted from any of the 21 political subdivisions (city, township, or village) within Clinton County. Applications shall be completed according to these guidelines and all deadlines must be observed.
In order to be considered for funding, a completed application, including a Project Narrative and Budget Summary, must be submitted to the Clinton County Solid Waste Management District by 12:00 noon on November 30, 2024.
Applicants will be notified in December and funds will be awarded in February. If awarded grant funds, all projects and Final Reports must be completed by November 30, 2025. If any grant funds remain following the completion of the project, applicants should also include a check for those unused funds at the time the Final Report is submitted. Any applicants who have questions or desire assistance during the grant application process should contact the Solid Waste District at (937) 382-6177 or send an email to recycle@clintoncountyohio.us for more information.
Matching funds not only help to demonstrate a sense of commitment on behalf of applicants, but also offset the overall cost of projects, thus making funds available for more qualifying programs. A minimum match of 25 percent is required, but those projects providing additional matching funds or in-kind support may be given greater consideration during the selection process. However, if securing the necessary matching funds is an issue, applicants are encouraged to contact the District at (937) 382-6177 to discuss various options. (The Solid Waste Management District reserves the right to adjust matching fund requirements.)
Each completed application must be received by the Clinton County Solid Waste Management District by 12:00 noon on November 30, 2024. Due to the competitive nature of this grant program, late and/or incomplete applications will NOT be considered for funding.
Included with the application must be:
- A completed Project Narrative describing the project along with the long-term objectives and benefits to the community. Preserving the integrity of the natural environment should be the highest priority.
- A completed Budget Summary detailing the items to be purchased and what role they will play in the overall project. An itemized list of all anticipated costs should be included, with a minimum of two (2) price quotes attached for each anticipated expenditure. All costs itemized in the budget summary MUST be specifically outlined in your quotes. The applicant’s matching funds should be calculated as 25% of the total cost. (i.e. If the project costs $100, then the applicant shall provide $25 and the Solid Waste District will provide $75.)
- A Resolution from the political subdivision designating a Project Manager to apply for and administer the grant program, if approved for funding. The Resolution should also indicate a minimum commitment of 25% matching funds from the political subdivision in support of the proposed program.
The selection of grant recipients is based on information contained in the grant application. All applications must include an itemized list of anticipated costs involved with the proposed project, reflected by provided price quotes. A minimum of two (2) price quotes or bids for each anticipated expense must accompany the application.
The final grant selections will be made by the Clinton County Solid Waste Grant Review Committee following a review of all applications. Funding amounts will be distributed to recipients based on priority as decided by the Grant Review Committee. The following is a timeline for the 2025 Community Grant program:
November 30, 2024 at 12:00 noon – Application deadline
NOTE: Late or incomplete applications will NOT be considered for funding.
February 2025 – Award notification and check presentations
November 30, 2025 – Final Report deadline for all grant recipients