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Are you making this gift in honor or in memory of someone?
Please list the name of the individual:
Your Email
Do you know the name of the Fund you would like to support?
No, I could use some help.
Please enter the name of the Fund(s), you wish to support here:
Are you looking to support an affiliate community fund or something more specific?
Support a fund for the Constantine community.
Support a fund for the Three Rivers community.
Support a fund for the White Pigeon community.
Support community needs across St. Joseph County communities (Greatest Needs Fund).
No, I'd like to see a full list of fund options.
Please select the Constantine Community Fund(s), you would like this gift to support:
Carlson Constantine Education Fund
Constantine Area Community Foundation Fund (Fund for Constantine)
Constantine Schools Endowment Fund
Constantine Youth Advisory Council Fund
Don Mathews Scholarship for the Trades
Edwin and Marguerite Haines Memorial Fund
Harold & Jean (Dickinson) Mann & Karen (Mann-Herber) Heimann Healthcare Endowment Fund
Jack and Carol Deller Scholarship Fund
Kirsten L. Carter Education Fund
Munson Family Endowment Fund for Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Oldenburg Family Fund
Virginia Langworthy Wyman Math Scholarship
Please select the Three Rivers Community Fund(s) you would like this gift to support:
Apple Farms Agency Fund1
Carnegie Center Endowment Fund
Disabled Americans Veterans Fund
Michigan Amputee Golf Association Endowment
Michigan Amputee Golf Association Operating Fund
Friends of Main Street
Three Rivers Sports Complex
Three Rivers Civil War Monument Preservation Fund
Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy Fund
Camp Wakeshma
Belize Project Fund
Ralph and Phyllis Bence Scholarship Fund
Burnell Booko Nursing Scholarship
Eric "Boomer" Clemence Annual Foundation
James E Clark Marketing & Charles E Clark Management Scholarship
SW Michigan Land Conservancy - Coon Hollow
Gary L Cottingham Scholarship
Vic and Ruth Eichler for the Community Arts Fund
Three Rivers Community First Fund
Field of Dreams Capital Campaign
George Haines Scholarship
Lucille J Shafer Haring and Sheila J Haring Scholarship
Dorothy Hiatt Nursing Scholarship
David and Shirley Berry Three Rivers Hunger Relief Fund
Healthy Youth, Healthy Seniors Fund
James A. Johnson Memorial Fund
Edward "Coach" T Johnson and Patricia Johnson Scholarship
Betty Lambertson Scholarship Fund
Law Dog K-9
Adam Learn #27 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dennis W Lockwood & Gary Warner Scholarship
Ken McEnroe Scholarship
Robert A McLellan Trust
William Monroe Scholarship Fund
John T Nykun Scholarship
Three Rivers Community 1st Operating Fund
3R Pickleball Association
Carleton and Ruth Poe Scholarship
Ron Reece Memorial Distinguished Educator Award
Glenn Rifenburg Scholarship
Carl & Geraldine Roberts Memorial Fund
Roger "Rocky" Rathburn Memorial Scholarship
Dr Don Schimnoski Scholarship
Bruce Snook Memorial Fund
David Stuck Founders Scholarship
Three Rivers Trail Project Fund
TRHS - PAWS with a Cause
Three Rivers Tutorial Scholarship Fund
Pauline E Abshire & Florence E Warner Art Scholarship
Edna L Wheeler Nursing Scholarship
Class of '69 Spirit Legacy Scholarship
Sue and William Yarrington Faith Community Fund
Please select the White Pigeon Community Fund(s), you would like to this gift to support:
1LT Johnathan Edds Memorial Fund
Adele M. Gray Fund
Daisy M. Allabach Fund
Eric & Lynn Jones Family Fund
Richard & Mary Magee Fund
White Pigeon Area Community Foundation Fund (Fund for White Pigeon)
White Pigeon Township Library Endowment Fund
White Pigeon Township Library Outreach Fund
Please select the fund(s) you would like your gift to support:
1LT Johnathan W. Edds Memorial Fund
Adele M. Gray Fund
Animal Care Fund
ARCH Continuation Endowment Fund
Arend/Sturgis Neighborhood Program Fund
Augspurger Pool Fund
Augspurger Tennis Courts Fund
Austin Stemen Scholarship for the Trades
Barbara Hochstetler Youth for Christ Inc., Southwest Michigan Fund
Beverly McCullough Music Performance Fund
Bill Shinn & Julia Shinn Mingus Scholarship Fund
Bob, Nancy and Scott Sutton Fund
Budd & Helen Munson Scholarship Fund in Memory of Michael P. Munson
Budd Munson Tennis Scholarship Fund
Camp Fort Hill Endowment Fund
Camp Fort Hill Principal and Income Fund
Camp Fort Hill Support Fund
Carlson Constantine Education Fund
Charles A. Sturges Fund
Child Care Solutions Fund
Children's Concerns of St. Joseph County Endowment Fund
Clare and Jane Wiedlea Fund
Constantine Area Community Foundation
Constantine School Endowment Fund
Constantine Youth Advisory Council Fund
Cornelius J. and Lillian Geimer Fund
Daisy & Graydon B. Allabach Scholarship Fund
Daisy M. Allabach Fund
Dale E. Gray Council of the Arts Endowment Fund
Daniel C. Pursley and Karen E. Pursley Memorial Scholarship Fund
Daniel E. Martin Fund
Dave Locey Kiwanis Club of Sturgis Memorial Fund
Deloris Schenk Scholarship Fund
Doe/Felt Fund
Don Gage Scholarship Fund
Don Mathews Scholarship for the Trades
Doyle Community Center Fund
Dr. Aurora F. DeCastro Scholarship Fund
Dr. Paul and Barbara Brothers Fund
Duffield Memorial Fund in Memorial of Dick and Edith Duffield
Edwin and Marguerite Haines Memorial Fund
Elizabeth Peckham Memorial Fund
Elks Boots and Shoes Fund
Elks Club of Sturgis Community Activities Fund
Ellen Eisele Memorial Fund
Eric and Lynn Jones Family Fund
Ernest V. Schaeffer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Eugene and Bobette Melchi Family Fund
Evelyn H. Schwenk & Florence M. Schwenk Scholarship Fund
Flora Beck Performing Arts Endowment Fund
Foundation Support Fund
Frank & Ethel Kime Bogen Scholarship Fund
Franks Park Endowment Fund
Fund for Sturgis
Graydon C. and Marion R. Fox Fund
Hackman Family Trinity Lutheran School Scholarship Fund
Harley and Eva Pierce Memorial Scholarship Fund
Harold & Jean (Dickinson) Mann & Karen (Mann-Herber) Heimann Healthcare Endowment Fund
Harold, Catherine and James Young Scholarship Fund
Healthy Youth and Healthy Seniors Fund
Howard and Dorothy Kendrick Scholarship in memory of Rebecca Hooley
James & Jeannie Gerchow Fund
James E. Riley Memorial Fund
Jamie Casault Memorial Fund
Jane & Wesley Hubbard Fund
Jean and Colleen Yunker Scholarship Fund
Jessie S. Schaeffer Memorial Fund
John E. Brand Memorial Fund
John E. McKillen Golk Memorial Fund
John Oster Memorial Fund
John T. Svendsen 5/11 Fund
Julia Renee Zimmerman Scholarship Fund
Kelly & Marilyn Murphy Salvation Army Fund
Kirsten L. Carter Education Fund
Kiwanis Club of Sturgis Endowment Fund
Klinger Lake Area Conservancy Fund
Lake Area Christian School Endowment Fund
Lawrence G. and Onalee M. Hopkins Fund
LifeCare Ambulance Endowment Fund
Lillian M. Anway Scholarship Fund
Lucy A. Gallup Memorial Fund
Lucy Gallup Pet Haven Endowment Fund
Lucy Gallup Sturgis Public Library Memorial Fund
Margaret Adams Scholarships
Martin E. Peck and Wanda V. Peck Education Fund
Masil W. and Eleanor M. Wyer Fund
McClain Oster Memorial Fund
Metz/Christenson Family Fund
Mighty Matt Keyser Fund
Munson Family Endowment Fund for Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church
Newell A. and Grace A. Franks Fund
Next Generation Fund for Sturgis
Oldenburg Family Fund
Olin Lepard/Robert Lewis Memorial Fund
Open Door Gallery Fund
Patricia A. Franks Council of the Arts Endowment Fund
Patrick Arseneau Memorial Fund (Sponsored by Open Door Gallery)
Paul & Jean Casault Family Grant Fund
Paul H. Casault Senior Center Memorial Fund
Paul J. and Nancy L. Troyer Fund for Hospice
Perry Family Youth for the Arts Fund
Phyllis E. Gray Sports Scholarship Fund
Playing for Peyton Fund (Peyton Render Fund)
Pythian Sisters Pocahontas Temple 121 Scholarship Fund
Ralph and Marie McCarthy Memorial Scholarship
Raymond H. Dresser, Jr. and Gretchen M. Dresser Fund
Richard & Mary Magee Business Enterprise Fund
Richard & Mary Magee Fund
Robert & Barbara Hackman Memorial Scholarship
Robert and Delores Probst Camp Fort Hill Youth Activities Fund
Robert & Marian Hair Sturgis History Fund
Rooted Safehouse Fund
Rosalie R. and Leonard L. Eishen Scholarship Fund
Rosemary Thomasma Fund
SACF Scholarship Fund
SNP Building Trades Support Fund
Spence Field Endowment Fund
Spirit Fund
St. Joseph County Enrichment Center/Sturgis Senior Center
St. Joseph County Great Start Collaborative
St. Joseph County Homelessness Prevention Fund
St. Joseph County United Way Endowment Fund
Sturges-Young Auditorium Capital Fund
Sturges-Young Auditorium Endowment Fund
Sturges-Young Center for the Arts Programming Fund
Sturgis Area Business/Education Alliance Fund
Sturgis Bark Park Endowment Fund
Sturgis Community Music Fund
Sturgis Community Pool Fund
Sturgis Depot & Freight Depot Preservation Fund
Sturgis Garden Club & Horticultural Civic Beautification Fund
Sturgis Historical Museum at the Depot Fund
Sturgis Historical Society Fund
Sturgis Hospital Endowment Fund
Sturgis Instrumental Music Alumni Association Fund
Sturgis Pregnancy Helpline Endowment Fund
Sturgis Pregnancy Helpline Non-Endowed Fund
Sturgis Public Library Endowment Fund
Sturgis Public Schools Endowment Fund
Sturgis Rotary Club Leadership/Business Scholarship and Grant Fund
Sturgis SUCCESS Endowment Fund
Sturgis Vocational Education/Trojan Manufacturing Solutions Fund
Sturgis Woman's Club Clubhouse Fund
Susan Poffenberger Memorial Fund
Theodore R. and Rita A. Combs Fund
Thurston Woods Village Foundation Fund
Tim and Denell Reilly Fund
Todd D. and Diana L. Maynard Sturgis High School Music Program Fund
Trojan Legacy Marketing Fund
Trojan Timbers Playground Fund
Victoria Lee Poffenberger Memorial Scholarship
Virginia Langworthy Wyman Math Scholarship
White Pigeon Area Community Foundation Fund
White Pigeon Township Library Endowment Fund
White Pigeon Township Library Outreach Fund
William & Helen Doyle/Exchange Club Fund
Windy City Fund
Youth Advisory Council Fund
If you have any special instructions for your gift, you may enter them here. Please note, gifts to multiple funds will be split evenly unless otherwise specified. Thank you!
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