The Traffic Management Skill Set and Traffic Management Refresher both have pre-requisites:
Traffic Management Skill Set pre-requisites:
You must have current or previous evidence of holding a valid driver's licence:
A WA or an equivalent interstate driver’s licence, except an R-N (Moped) class, or an overseas equivalent driver’s licence from a country that is recognised by the Western Australian Department of Transport.
(NOTE: Not a Learners Permit but can be an expired Licence)
You must have evidence of being issued with a valid WorkSafe WA Construction Safety Awareness Training card (blue card) or Construction Induction (white card):
We will check the Construction induction training card database to confirm. If you do not have a White Card, you must obtain one before the date of the Traffic Management training.
You must have a printed, clear colour photograph for the plastic wallet card:
The photo can be obtained from the post office and must show your head and shoulders. Please bring it with you on the day of the training.
Traffic Management Refresher pre-requisites:
The refresher course has all of the above requirements in addition to your current Main Roads WA (MRWA) plastic wallet 'Photographic Identification card, providing Certificate numbers and Expiry date, which must not be more than three years and three months prior to course attendance date.