Please note, only full or part time employees are eligible for employee status. Substitute teacher positions do not meet this criteria, and therefore do not qualify for employee status when submitting a Lottery application. Please also note, this designation applies to active duty military only. *Dayspring Angeline & Dayspring Jazz are excluded from military and current Dayspring VPK learner priorities.
VPK Learners Only: We offer morning and afternoon VPK, which we fill in order of the lottery pull. Full-time wraparound care is only available for the morning VPK classes. Every child participating in VPK must obtain a VPK eligibility certificate. Please contact the Early Learning Coalition for more information. Pasco Hernando Early Learning Coalition: 727-569-1004. Please be advised that your child must turn 4 years old on or before September 1st in order to be eligible for VPK.
Terms of Registration
Checking each box below, along with your electronic signature, will serve as acknowledgement of the following items.
*In order to verify sibling status, proof of a shared parent via birth certificate, legal documentation of marriage, or custodial papers must be available upon request.**Dayspring Angeline & Dayspring Jazz are excluded from military and current Dayspring VPK learner priorities.