IName*agree that any photograph(s), audio or video recording(s) taken of me or any comments generated during interviews by a representative of Jewish Family & Career Services (JF&CS) or at JF&CS sponsored programs and events will become the property of JF&CS, Inc. I understand that this information may be used in agency publications and/or Internet Web sites and social media. The information provided, including my name and any personal information I disclose about my experience with JF&CS, may be duplicated in promotional material or distributed to the media. By signing this release, I give permission to JF&CS to use any photograph, audio/video or contents of an interview in agency and other publications at their discretion and agree to allow the distribution of this information to the media in perpetuity unless I withdraw this release in writing and submit it to a staff member of the JF&CS Marketing Department. I am participating voluntarily, and I discharge JF&CS from any liability in the event than any personal or confidential information is disclosed.