Thank you for considering the Striders program ( and taking the first, but a giant step in your fitness journey with us. With this submission, you will be eligible for discounted Early Bird registration, which will be sent via email in November.
The program starts in February 2025, culminating in the June 1st, 2025 Dream Mile Half Marathon. Train with highly experienced coaches offering tailored guidance, along with optional Power Walking, Speed Training and Mental Resiliency programs. Note:
- The program offers a 2-week trial period, so you can experience the program
risk-free and ensure it is a good fit. These two weeks encompass a total of 10 sessions covering:
- 2 Sundays run/walk training session led by Coaches
- 6 Weekday run/walk led by local Mentors
- 2 Strength Training sessions led by Coaches
- Only interested in our Mental Resiliency program? It can now be attended independently as well - click here to submit interest.
Please submit the 2025 Vibha Striders Interest form below.