The Copyright Society provides a limited number of need-based scholarships to law students, law clerks, paralegals, nonprofit or government employees, recent graduates, or unemployed attorneys to attend our continuing legal education programming. To be considered, an applicant should submit a written request at least three weeks prior to the date of the program.
No more than two requests per year per applicant will be considered. Applications will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis, and if approved, the applicant may be eligible to receive financial relief including:
- Waiver of program fees
- Reduction of program fees
- Member registration rate (if a non-member)
- Waiver of program fees, less a required payment for meals and/or other out-of-pocket costs.
- For courses costing over $500, applicants who qualify will receive at least a 50% reduction in the course fees.
For any questions please contact us at