By signing and submitting this application form to NZTR:
1. I acknowledge that I have read the form and undertake that all of the information that I have provided to NZTR in, or with, it is true and correct in every particular.
2. I acknowledge that NZTR will rely upon the information I have provided in, or with, this application form for the purpose of determining whether I am an appropriate person to receive a Class A Rider’s Licence.
3. I understand that NZTR may take disciplinary action against me in the event that the information I have provided in, or with, this application form is false or misleading in any particular, which disciplinary action may include revocation of any licence issued to me.
4. I acknowledge that the provision of any false, misleading or inaccurate information in, or with, this form may result in me being charged under the Rules of Racing or otherwise.
5. I undertake and confirm that I meet all of the requirements for the issue of a Class A Rider's Licence to me under the Rules of Racing.
6. I acknowledge that, as the holder of a Rider’s Licence issued by NZTR, I will be bound by, and must comply with, all applicable NZTR Rules of Racing and policies, regulations and directives issued under them, and that I must keep myself updated of all changes to the Rules of Racing and policies, regulations and directives that apply to the holders of the relevant Rider’s Licence.
7. I consent, in accordance with Rule 656 of the NZTR Rules of Racing, to providing a sample of one or more of my blood, breath, urine, saliva or sweat, as and when required by a Stipendiary Steward or Investigator, for the purposes of drug and alcohol testing.
8. I undertake that I am not currently subject to any disciplinary action initiated by any other racing authority in New Zealand or overseas and I will immediately inform NZTR should any other racing authority in New Zealand or overseas initiate disciplinary action against me.
9. I acknowledge and agree that if I do not pay any amount owed or payable by me to NZTR within the required time, NZTR may set-off this amount against any money that would otherwise be payable to me through the TROSA system administered by NZTR.
10. I authorise NZTR to pay any amounts payable to me via Electronic Funds Transfer into the bank account nominated by me in this application form. I understand that if my bank account details change, I am required to notify NZTR in writing of the new bank account details and that until I notify NZTR in writing of any such change, NZTR may continue to make deposits into the account nominated in this form.
11. I acknowledge and agree, for GST purposes relating to the supply of services by me (the Supplier) to NZTR (the Recipient), that:
(a) If I am registered for GST purposes, I will notify NZTR in writing if I cease to be registered for GST purposes in the future, and if I am not currently registered for GST purposes, I will notify NZTR in writing if I become registered for GST purposes in the future;
(b) I will not issue tax invoices in relation to any prizemoney (supplies) that NZTR may have to pay me;
(c) NZTR (as Recipient) can issue tax invoices in respect of prizemoney (supplies) that it has to pay me;
(d) I (as Supplier) will not issue tax invoices in respect of any such supplies;
(e) NZTR is registered for GST purposes and that it will notify me in writing if it ceases to be GST registered or it is otherwise unable to prepare Buyer Created Tax Invoices (BCTI) on my behalf;
(f) NZTR can only issue a BCTI on my behalf if it complies with the requirements established under legislation.
12. I authorise NZTR to disclose information provided by me in this application form to:
(a) All racing authorities in New Zealand and overseas;
(b) The persons specified in this application form;
(c) Government Departments and regulatory authorities;
(d) Persons currently unknown, for the purpose of complying with statutory obligations requiring NZTR to disclose information.
12. I consent to NZTR contacting all Authorised Wagering Operators in New Zealand and overseas for the purpose of determining whether I am betting in contravention to the Rules of Racing. I also consent to those third parties disclosing information to NZTR about any betting I engage in with them.
13.I consent to NZTR contacting other racing authorities in New Zealand and overseas and I consent to those bodies disclosing any information that may be requested at any time by NZTR.
14. I consent to the New Zealand Police disclosing to NZTR any information that they may have regarding me for the purposes of NZTR's consideration of this application. I understand that any record of criminal convictions I might have will be automatically concealed if I meet the eligibility criteria stipulated in Section 7 of the Criminal Records (Clean Slate) Act 2004.