We are publishing a recipe book, focusing on recipes that children love. We would appreciate your family's favourite recipe. Our volunteer coordinators will be sorting through many recipes. To make it easier for them, please follow these simple guidelines before submitting your recipe.
֎ Type your recipe directly into form
֎ Do not format your recipes (eg. no tabs, bullets etc)
֎ Check spelling, grammar & punctuation are consistent.
֎ Check use of common abbreviations are consistent (see list below)
֎ Check that spacing is consistent (eg. 10g or 10 g, 10cups or 10 cups)
֎ If you are submitting an image, ensure it is high resolution (do not compress). Ensure you follow the image instructions below, to ensure we are able to include your image.
ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS: please use consistent abbreviations and do not use symbols. Symbols will be added to your publication:
teaspoon tsp
tablespoon Tbsp
grams g
millilitres ml
Kilolitres kl
litres l
kilograms kg
minute/s min.
Please write degrees celsius (NOT °C)
Please write fractions as number forward slash number (eg. 1/2 NOT ½, 1/3 NOT ⅓ etc.