Pastoral Reference
Only ONE form per family is required. You are completing this reference for a prospective student(s). If you have questions, please email
Pastor Name
First Name
Last Name
Pastor Email
Student 1 Name
First Name
Last Name
Student 2 Name
First Name
Last Name
Student 3 Name
First Name
Last Name
Student 4 Name
First Name
Last Name
Student 5 Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent Name(s)
How long have you known this family?
1-2 Years
2-5 Years
5-10 Years
10+ Years
In what capacity do you know this family?
How often does this family attend worship or church service?
Are the parents actively pursuing spiritual matters?
How would you assess the overall behavior of the children? Please write about each child there is more than one.
Do you believe that the parents have an understanding of and demonstrated ability to raise their children according to Biblical principles?
If you answered no to the above question, please explain why.
In what ways does the family serve in the ministry of the church?
Would you recommend this family for enrollment in The Oaks Classical Cottage School?
For the benefit of the family and The Oaks Classical Cottage School, please make any additional comments that would aid in the acceptance process.
May we contact you if we have further questions?
If yes, how should we contact you?
I have completed the pastoral reference to the best of my ability and knowledge by providing information that is complete and true for the prospective student listed above.
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