I understand that due to the nature of pet grooming all quoted prices prior to actually grooming my pet are only estimates. Final price will depend on the temperament of each pet and the condition of its coat. Extra charges may apply for pets that are matted and/or difficult to manage.
I understand Urban Mutt Retreat has the right to refuse service to me and my pet at any time for any reason.
I understand Urban Mutt Retreat will charge me a $35 handling fee for returned checks.
I (owner/parent) understand that if my pet has a history of aggression or biting, Urban Mutt Retreat LLC reserves the right to refuse service and all bites will be reported to the local authorities as required by law.
I understand that I am liable for any medical care expenses and damages that result from injuries caused by my pet.
I expressly waive and relinquish any and all claims against Urban Mutt Retreat LLC, its employees and representatives, except for those arising from negligence on the part of Urban Mutt Retreat LLC.
I have disclosed to Urban Mutt Retreat LLC all known dangers associated with my pet.
I expressly understand and agree that Urban Mutt Retreat LLC shall not be held responsible for any damage to my property.
I understand that under no circumstances will Urban Mutt Retreat LLC be liable for consequential damages or damages.
If any medical problems develop while my pet is in the care of Urban Mutt Retreat, I authorize Urban Mutt Retreat LLC to do whatever is necessary for the safety, health and well being of my pet. Further I assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses incurred.
I hereby declare to Urban Mutt Retreat LLC that I am the legal owner of my pet; that my pet has not been exposed to any infectious illness within the last (30) thirty days; that my pet has been properly inoculated for the following vaccinations: Rabies, Distemper, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis and Bordetella as well as a negative fecal exam within the last year; that my pet is currently and properly licensed; I (the owner) certify the information I have provided to be true and accurate; and I (the owner) have read this agreement in it’s entirety.