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Article Submission Form
Thank you for your contribution to Reformed Worship. Before beginning, make sure you have read the directions for submissions found at We will contact you when we are planning on publishing your article. Because we work so far ahead and this is a quarterly magazine with specific themes for each issue, it may be a year or longer before your submission appears in print. In the meantime, if you have any questions please email:
Section 1: Information About You
1. Your name as you would like it to appear
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
2. Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
3. E-mail
4. Phone Number
5. Please provide the name of your worshiping community/church.
6. Which of these denominational affiliations best describes your worshiping community?
Please Select
Assemblies of God
Associate Reformed Presbyterian
Christian Church/Disciples of Christ
Christian Missionary Alliance
Christian Reformed Church in North America
Christian Reformed Church -Other
Church of the Brethren
Church of England
Church of Scotland
Congregational Christian
Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO)
Cumberland Presbyterian
Evangelical Covenant
Evangelical Free
Evangelical Lutheran
Evangelical Presbyterian
Lutheran -other
Missouri Synod Lutheran
Orthodox Presbyterian
Presbyterian Church of America (PCA)
Presbyterian Church of Canada (PCC)
Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA)
Presbyterian -Other
Protestant Reformed
Reformed Church in America
Reformed Presbyterian
Roman Catholic
United Church of Canada
United Church of Christ
United Presbyterian
United Reformed
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod
7. Are you a current subscriber to the quarterly print/digital publication of Reformed Worship?
8. Please provide a 2-3 sentence biographical statement.
9. Upload a head shot (picture where your face is prominent). Please make sure it is labeled with your name.
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Section 2: Information About the Article
1. Title of article/resource
2. Upload your submission and all related material
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We accept Microsoft Word, Google Doc, PDF, and graphic/photo files.
3. In your submission did you use any material other than your own?
Yes (Please describe these resources in the notes section at the end of the form.)
Unsure (Please explain in the notes section at the end of the form.)
4. Does Reformed Worship need to seek permission to publish any copyrighted materials in your submission or did you already receive permission? If you received permission please make sure the documentation has been uploaded with #2 above.
Yes Reformed Worship will need to get permission.
No, the submission does not include any copyrighted material.
No, I have included documentation of permission with my submission.
Section 3: Acknowledgement
Except as noted on my submission, this is my own material, it has not previously been published, and if it is accepted elsewhere for publication I will let Reformed Worship know. By providing this submission, I am giving permission to Reformed Worship, published by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, to use and edit it for publication and to be used by its readership in worship with proper acknowledgement. (Edits may include, but are not limited to, grammatical and stylistic changes, formatting changes, and the insertion or deletion of worship elements.) I understand that in addition to publishing this material in the print edition, digitally, and/or on the website of Reformed Worship, its publisher the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship reserves the right to post this article and any supporting material on its website or in other media. As the author I retain the right to use the material in educational and worship settings, but any further publication or posting, including on my website, will need to be negotiated and agreed upon by both parties.
I have read and agree to the terms as stated above.
I do not agree with these terms. (Please indicate exceptions in the notes section below.)
Section 4: Notes
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