Program Purpose
The Tennessee Nurses Foundation (TNF) provides grants to registered nurses engaging in scientific and other research projects focusing on nursing practice. TNF promotes the continued growth and development of nurses and services to advance the work of the nursing profession. The Research Grants Program has been founded to encourage the research career development of nurses. TNF's research grants support scientific research for advancing the practice of nursing, promoting health, and preventing disease.
TNF provides funding to both novice and experienced nurse researchers to support studies that advance nursing science and improve patient care through original research. Grants are considered for a wide range of nursing areas, including efforts to achieve healthy patient outcomes, address healthcare disparities, develop healthcare policies, enhance critical care, gerontology, women’s health, nurse well-being, workplace violence, and community and family interventions.
Eligibility Process
- Registered Nurse/s with a current Tennessee license.
- Must have been a continuous member of the Tennessee Nurses Association (TNA) for at least one year before this grant application is submitted.
- Must not have received funding from TNF within the previous twelve (12) months.
- The research project is ready to begin.
- If the project requires, must have received IRB approval from the review board of the institution where the data collection will occur.
- If the project requires, provide documentation of human subject and/or animal protection approval forms from the institutional Policies of the Research Grants Program.
- Provide a detailed itemized cost projection for the project, including the time span involved. This grant does not support funding for F&A (Facilities & Administrative) costs associated with your research.
Grant Application Deadlines
The Board of Trustees of the Tennessee Nurses Foundation reviews grants twice each year. The deadline dates for submission of all materials is the last day of February and August each year. If you miss a deadline, your application will be reviewed after the next deadline.
Your Responsibilities
Submission of a final report is required upon completion of the project. In addition, reports may be submitted as updates on the project throughout the course of your research if you desire. The applicant/s permit the Tennessee Nurses Foundation to publish their final report in the Tennessee Nurse should the information provided benefit the publication.
General Information
- Allocation of funds is based on the proposed research's quality, the applicant's future promise, and the applicant's research budget. Applications from novice researchers who have received no other funding are encouraged.
- Each grant allocation will be determined by the amount of funds requested, the number of grants awarded, and the amount of funds available during the grant period.
- When more than one investigator is listed, the first named individual will be the person with whom TNF will communicate and the investigator who will assume responsibility for conducting the research.
- Current TNF and TNA Board members and their immediate family (spouse, children, grandchildren) are not eligible to apply.