I, hereby submit my application for the Healer of Healers program with Jac (Jacklyn Kinslow) and Glisten With Jac. I understand and agree to the following terms and conditions:
Scope of Services: I am applying to receive Distant Reiki, Rapid Resolution Therapy, Sound Therapy, EFT, and intuitive guidance form Jac (Jacklyn Kinslow) during our time together. I understand RRT and EFT is only offered if called though our whatsapp communication or RYG audios.
I understand whatsapp will not have immediate responses. I acknoledge the hours are periodically checked and responsed as intuitivly called Tuesday - Thursday 11 am - 5 pm. Guidance is all based on intuiton and as the downloads are recieved to be channeled. Space will always be held on your jounrey yet these are response hours unless otherwise guided. I invite you to only check and or respond to whatsapp as called as well. It will greatly support your journey.
Acceptance and Payment: If my application is accepted, and upon the receipt of the initial payment, I acknowledge that a minimum of $2,222 of this service is non-refundable. Intuitve Guidance Payments are non- refundable once the first Tuesday passes during your subscription. Intuitve Guidance payments are carged monthly until 7 day notice is porvided to cancel or pause your subsctiption.
Healer of Healers Minimum Commitment: I commit to a minimum of 3 months of consistent sessions before terminating the services. If I am unwilling to commit to 3 months, any amount paid over $2,222 will be refunded.
Payment Plans: I understand that by submitting this application, I am committing to a spot for either a 3-month program ($2,222), a 6-month program ($4,555), or a 12-month program ($8,555). Plans are offered through Afterpay or custom payment links for payment plans 3-month program 2 payments monthly of ($1,444), a 6-month program 5 payments monthly of ($1,111), or a 12-month program 10 payments monthly ($1,044). Failure to pay will result in termination of support and submission to collections.
Intention Setting Call: If we decide its not a good match and a payment has been sumbitted you will be refunded minus a $111 service fee.
Accuracy of Information: I certify that all information provided in this application is correct.
Confidentiality: I understand that Jac (Jacklyn Kinslow) will not share any information or images shared during our time together. Consent will be requested prior to sharing testimonials with identification.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to the terms outlined in this Healer of Healers Application Consent Agreement and consent to reciving support and intuitive guidance from Jac (Jacklyn Kinslow).