What size scholarship gift can my business make with PA Educational Improvement Tax Credits (EITC)?
This tool is for informational purposes only and does not constitute tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax advisor for your specific tax situation.
What type of business is your company?
Please Select
Your company's annual taxable income:
Your expected annual PA tax liability:
PA tax rate for S-Corp, LLC and LP is 3.07%; PA tax rate for C-Corp is 8.49% (2024)
Max scholarship gift you could make to a Friends school using tax credits:
Your net cost to make this scholarship gift (after applying the PA tax credit but before federal tax savings):
Moving onto your federal return...
If you itemize your deductions, you may qualify for additional benefits.
Amount you can list as a charitable gift on your federal return (if applicable):
Default federal tax bracket (%):
Please Select
Your federal tax deduction for your charitable gift (if applicable):
Your final net out-of-pocket cost to make your scholarship gift:
Next Steps
We want to be helpful to you as you explore participation in this program. Tell us how you'd like to proceed.
I would like someone to follow up with me from the school listed below.
Member School list:
Please Select
Abington Friends School
Buckingham Friends School
Delaware Valley Friends School
Frankford Friends School
Friends Central School
Friends School Haverford
George School
Germantown Friends School
Greene Street Friends School
Greenwood Friends School
Lancaster Friends School
Lansdowne Friends School
Media-Providence Friends School
Newtown Friends School
Plymouth Meeting Friends School
Quaker School at Horsham
State College Friends School
Stratford Friends School
United Friends School
West Chester Friends School
Westtown School
William Penn Charter School
The Friends Collaborative Admin
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