NEW in 2023: CKC Water Dog Tests and NSTRA placements were included.
1. Any Vizsla owned by a VSO member living in Ontario and in good standing at the time of application may apply.
2. Dogs must be six (6) months of age up to and including twenty-four (24) months of age in the year of application.
3. Owner can apply a maximum of two times for an individual dog.
4. Dog can be deceased and the award given posthumously.
5. Dog is eligible to win a maximum of two (2) times in its lifetime by its second (2nd) birthday.
Requirements and Qualifications
1. Owner / member making the application must reside in Ontario at the time of application.
2. Qualifying scores earned in CKC Pointing Dog Tests, Water Test, NAVHDA Natural Ability and NSTRA tests are permitted.
3. Qualifying scores must be earned in the year for which the application is being made; for example, if applying for 2023, all qualifying scores must have been earned in 2023 and earned before the dog turns two (2) years of age.
4. Only one (1) NAVHDA Natural Ability score can be submitted with the application.
5. CKC Water Dog tests are worth up to 10 points per score; The formula used to calculate your points is SCORE / 10. E.g., a Water Dog (doesn't matter which level) score of 85 is worth an extra 8.5 points.
6. If you dog competed in NSTRA and placed, please supply the placement. 1st Place is valued at 130 points, 2nd = 125, 3rd - 120 and 4th = 115.
7. Owner must apply for the award no later than the year in which the dog turns twenty-four (24) months of age. For example, if the dog turns two years old in 2023, the applicant must submit the application within the 2023 calendar year, after which the dog is no longer eligible.
8. Award will be given to the dog with the highest accumulated number of points, based on actual scores earned at CKC Pointing Dog Tests and NAVHDA Natural Ability, as well as points earned for WD qualifying scores and NSTRA placements.
9. In the case of a tie, the award will be presented to all dogs.
10. Application must be made by December 31st for the current calendar year.
Please scan or photograph your dog's score sheets and upload them using this form. (See bottom of form.)