This form is designed to collect your information for your KickUp account. Please fill out the details below and then you will be prompted to complete your account setup in KickUp.
If you have previously created a KickUp account you can go direct to their site to login and access our courses: KickUp.
If you're looking to register and belong to one of the following districts please click the links below:
Arlington Heights School District 25
Community Consolidated School District 21
Community Consolidated School District 59
Mount Prospect School District 57
Prospect Heights School District 23
River Trails School District 26
Township High School District 211
Township High School District 214
Finish Setting Up Your Account
You've successfully entered your details, and now you are ready to create your KickUp account. When you click "Submit" below, you will need to follow the next steps to complete your KickUp account creation.
Please use the same email address as entered above.
1. Once you click submit you will taken to a screen where you can enter your email for verification:
2. You will receive a verification email in your inbox, please check your spam folder if you do not see it in your primary inbox:
3.Lastly, you will be prompted to sign in. You can either click the "Sign up with Google" button or create a password for your account: