We are excited that you have considered joining other Drag Queens in Oklahoma to be an activist to end the epidemic of HIV in Oklahoma. If you are chosen to participate you will have the following expectations and benefits.
1) You will be paid $200, $50 for each of 4 one hour trainings over Zoom including:
- Basics of HIV prevention and treatment
- History of drag in OK
- Core principles of Dragtivism
- How to incorporate HIV education into your platform as a performer
2) Free photo shoot to produce calendar images. You will have permission to use the images however you wish after the calendar year is completed.
3) Business cards with head shot & booking info on the front and End HIV Oklahoma information on the back.
4) Participation in paid and benefit events to promote the calendar and End HIV Oklahoma
5) There is also an expectation to represent the calendar and it’s sponsors well as an advocate for the community and a warrior in the fight against HIV.
Please complete the form below and our staff will send more information.