Waiver and Refund Policy:
I understand that attendance of my dog in any training classes, agility classes, boarding or one on one service is not without risk to myself, family members or guests who may attend, or my dog as some dogs that may be exposed to may be difficult to control and may be the cause of injury even when handled with the upmost great of care or otherwise.
I herby waive and release Intuition Dog Training, it’s staff and owners from a my and all liability of any nature for injury or damage that I or my dog, members of my family or guest attending may suffer, including specific ally but not limited to any injury or damage from the action or inaction of any dog or it’s owner/handler, Intuition Dog Training, it’s assurance, trainers or owners. I expressly assume the risk, negligence or any damage or injury while attending any class, event or training session or any kind at Intuition Dog Training or on the grounds or surrounding area thereto. I also on understand that while my dog is attending services at Intuition Dog Training that dogs can be boisterous and playful with their teeth, nails and bodies. Small scratches or blemishes may occur.
I acknowledge that I fully understand the terms and provisions of this waiver, assumption of risk and agreement to hold harmless and that I, setting my hand hereto delivering the same, freely, voluntarily and unconditionally.
At any time Intuition Dog Training reserves the right to terminate utilization of our facility and grounds if it is felt that the dog may be deemed inappropriate for this setting, however it is possible that we may be able to offer any other solution in order for your dog to be able to return to this facility.
Refund Policy: We do not offer refunds after the start date of the first class.