I First Name Last Name grant Luxe Wellness Boutique the authority to take, edit, alter, copy, publish or distribute and make use of any videos or pictures for content creation and promotion, not limited to newsletters, posters, advertisements, websites, and social networking sites. I realize my images will be of the serviced areas only and no facial recognition or tattoos will be shown without my consent. I wave the right to monetary compensation arising from any use of the images or recording.
Release Statement: I acknowledge that Luxe Wellness Boutique LLC and all staff members are not medical doctors. I understand staff members may provide nutritional and other health related information to help me maintain my best health. ALL SUGGESTIONS are designed to help me move forward and are not meant to diagnose, claim, treat, or cure any diseases. I have read this consent and understand it. I am not a minor (under 18).I have read and understand the refund and cancellation policy.