I, the undersigned, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, do hereby waive, release and forever discharge any and all rights and claims for damages which I may have or which may accrue against Texas Tang Soo Do San Antonio, their respective officers, representatives, successors, officers of the tournament, my own studio, my own instructor, the tournament workers and/or assigns and against any competitors for any and all damages which may be sustained by me. I will obey all required rules and regulations and also assume full responsibility for any of my actions during and in connection with said tournament.I agree that my performance or attendance at the tournament, or both, may be filmed or otherwise recorded or telecast live and I consent to the use by Texas Tang Soo Do San Antonio, its assignees and licensees including any public news media, or my name, likeness, voice, poses, pictures and biographical form or language with or without other materials, throughout the world without limitation, for television, radio and/or theatrical motion pictures by any devices now known or hereafter devised and I waive any compensation whatsoever. I further understand and agree that all fees paid hereunder are NONREFUNDABLE.