Event Registration Form (2024)
THIS FORM IS FOR VOLUNTEERING TO HELP US AT A SPECIFIC EVENT ONLY. Whilst we appreciate all offers of help, we aren't able to keep your details on file and let you know if anything comes up in your area. We recommend that you keep an eye on our calendar (www.mhmotorbike.com/calendar) and register using this form when you find an event that you'd like to attend. You can tick the box below to allow our Regional or Area Coordinators to contact you, should you be interetsted in getting more involved with Menatal Health Motorbike in your local area. Please Note: Volunteers with a current Mental Health First Aid certificate will be given priority.
Please read before completing
Due to safeguarding all our volunteers must be over 18 on the day of the event. The event lead will give a volunteer briefing 15 minutes before the event is due to start, and you will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. This is to ensure any any sensitive or personal information which is shared with you during the event remains confidential.
Please confirm the following:
I am over 18
I am happy to sign a confidentiality agreement at the start of the event
I will arrive a minimum of 15 mins before the event to attend the staff briefing
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Emergency contact name
First Name
Last Name
Emergency contact Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Which event are you volunteering for?
Any medical or useful information the team needs to be aware of
Do you hold a vaild MHFA certificate
Please Note
At each event we will put a team together consisting of Mental Health Motorbike staff and volunteers, you will be added into a event specific WhatsApp group. To ensure smooth running of the event we will need to share your email and phone number with the team. Please can you confirm you are happy with this below.
I agree that my contact details can be shared with the Mental Health Motorbike Team and volunteers for the specific event I am volunteering for
I am happy to be contacted via email by the MHM Team, including my Regional/Area Coordinator about events or activity in my area.
Expenses Policy - Sadly as an unfunded charity Mental Health Motorbike can't pay travel or subsistence expenses (except in exceptional circumstances - when they must be authorised by a Trustee in advance). We are very sorry that we have to rely on your goodwill, but truly appreciate each and every one of our volunteers. Thank you!
I have read and Understand the MHMotorbike Expenses Policy
Should be Empty: