Volunteer for OLLI
OLLI runs on volunteer power! Whether you can contribute a couple of hours or serve on a committee, OLLI depends on volunteers to keep the wheels of lifelong learning turning. Please fill in the form below to indicate your areas of interest, and we'll reach out to get you involved. Thank you!
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Short-term volunteer options--just for an hour or two, as needed. Check all that interest you.
Work at Welcome Table during first week of classes.
Work at Cookie Table during first week of classes.
Host a hybrid or Zoom class.
OLLI Committee Work: most committees meet 6 to 10 times per year, with occasional additional work between meetings.
Marketing Committee (help to get the word out through advertising, events, promotions, and catalog distribution)
Curriculum Committee (help to recruit and support moderators)
Friends of OLLI (organize fundraisers and donor appreciation events)
Governance Committee (review Bylaws, Standing Rules, award nominations, and Board applications for presentation to Board of Trustees)
Budget & Finance Committee (review annual OLLI budget and investment accounts)
Hospitality Committee (organize and run various special events, such as awards luncheons and parties)
Community Engagement Committee (work to identify and make contact with community organizations to share their work with OLLI)
Board of Trustees (This is a working Board, in which all members are required to serve on a standing committee and contribute meaningfully to setting policy and long-range planning. If you check this box, we will send you a link to the specific Board application.)
What would you like us to know about your special skills or interests?
Should be Empty: