Connect Group Leader Interest Form
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Have you participated in UBC Connect Groups?
Lent 2021 - Thy Kingdom Come
Lent 2022 - Matters of the Heart
Lent 2023 - Be My Disciple
I have not participated in the past
List any previous volunteer/leadership experience and any recent training that has contributed to your growth as a Christian or helped prepare you to be a group leader:
What do you hope to give and gain by leading a group?
Do you have any concerns about leading a small group or are there areas in which you would like training to help you lead a group?
Can you attend the virtual leaders meeting Saturday, 1/6 at 9:30 am
Yes, I can attend
I can watch the replay
Select Your Availability: (check all that apply)
Sundays, 7 pm
Mondays, 12 pm
Mondays, 7 pm
Tuesdays, 12 pm
Tuesdays, 7 pm
Wednesdays, 12 pm
Wednesdays, 7 pm
Thursdays, 12 pm
Thursdays, 7 pm
Saturdays, 10 am
Select the location of your group (check all that apply)
In-Person (at the church)
Select any Special Connect Groups of Interest to You: (check all that apply)
Women's Group
Men's Group
Young Adults Group (Age 18-25)
Young Adults Group (Age 26-34)
Senior Adults Group
Couples Group (both spouses attend together)
Men & Women of All Ages
Youth/Teen Group
Children's Group
Should be Empty: