Title of Study: Experiences of Twice-Exceptional Russophone Families
Study Investigator(s): Yekaterina O’Neil
Contact information: katrina.oneil@bridges.edu, 415-531-1809
Capstone Advisor: Dr. C Matthew Fugate, matt.fugate@bridges.edu
You are being asked to be in a research study of the experiences of the Russophone twice-exceptional (2e) families. This study is being conducted by: Yekaterina O’Neil at Bridges Graduate School of Cognitive Diversity in Education (BGS).
You were selected as a possible participant because you are a member of a Russophone social media community. Please read this consent form and ask any questions you have before agreeing to be in the study.
If you agree to be in this study, you will be asked to fill out and submit a one-time confidential online survey by answering 12 specific questions about your qualifications for participating in the study, familiarity with several cognitive-diversity-related terms, as well as the challenges and benefits you and / or your children have been experiencing during their child development, in education, during assessments, in the workplace, and in everyday life. You will be given the opportunity to select your answers from a pre-defined list of options, as well as to provide your own elaborating on your experiences in free form in either English or Russian.
You will not receive compensation.
The records of this study will be kept private and your confidentiality will be protected. In any sort of report the researcher(s) might publish, no identifying information will be included.
Research records will be stored securely and only the researcher(s) will have access to the records. All data will be kept by the investigator(s) on a password-protected computer, in a password-protected Google account, and in a password-protected Forms.app account. All study records, including approved IRB documents and consent forms, will be destroyed by shredding and/or deleting after 3 years.
It is possible that other people may need to see the information we collect about you. These people may include those who work at Bridges Graduate School and are involved in approving and advising on this research, and a government office that is responsible for making sure the research is done safely and properly.
Your research data will be kept for use in future research. Your name and other information that can directly identify you will not be collected as part of the project.
Participation in this study is voluntary and requires your informed consent. Your decision whether or not to participate will not affect your current or future relations with Bridges Graduate School. If you decide to participate, you are free to skip any question that is asked. You may also withdraw from this study at any time without penalty.
The researcher(s) conducting this study: Yekaterina O’Neil. If you have questions, you are encouraged to contact the researcher(s) at Bridges Graduate School either via e-mail (katrina.oneil@bridges.edu) or phone (415-531-1809). You can also contact Dr. C. Matthew Fugate, Provost of Bridges Graduate School, either via e-mail (matt.fugate@bridges.edu) or phone (832-647-6090).
I am 18 years of age or older. I have read and understood the above information. I consent to participate in the study.