These fields are for storing information about members. Primarily to do with status and progress of membership.
To SAVE Changes, you must resubmit the form (an email is send to the admins, but not the original submitter). You can use the main submit button after scrolling through all the pages, or untick the "Hidden submit button" and another submit button should appear near the hidden fields. Once saved, the hidden button should remain there.
Verified membership form: Double checked that we have forms in the cabinet (separate to inductors' message)
Email List: Inductors have checked membership and evidence of payment. If okay, then put on email list.
Code Sent: Inductors have checked membership and evidence of payment AND Completed both inductions (or are renewals). If okay, then put on sent code via email list (Welcome to the club).
Key Access: Inductors have checked membership and evidence of payment AND Completed both inductions (or are renewals). If okay, then add to UQ Sport receptions Key access list (to be sent after updates).
Payment Verified: Payment verified via bank accounts.
Withdrawn from club: Refunded/ended membership. Unfinished - did not complete the joining process.
Comment: Notes about issues processing the entry