What is CONA? CONA is the national Youth in Government conference. All participants are members of their state YIG/YAG program, and have been selected to represent their state at CONA.
Is it just like YIG? Yes and no. This is not a model legislature. It’s a conference where high school students debate and discuss national and international issues, but the purpose is to discuss and debate, not to learn about the legislative process. The emphasis is on debating information and ideas.
Do I write a bill? Delegates write “proposals”, which are similar to bills, but also different in that the focus is on explaining the problem, the proposed solution, and the results to be expected. Proposals are debated and ranked in a series of committees, with the top-ranked proposals moving from first committee to second to third and the very best proposals being moved to General Assembly and Plenary Session.
What if I don’t like to debate? If you don't enjoy debate, then CONA may not for you. While CONA is not a formal “debate” conference, the primary activity of the conference is debate and discussion. If your favorite part of YIG is the debate, and if you're the person who always has their placard raised, and if you love the idea of meeting people from all over the country who have strong opinions about issues, then CONA could wind up being the best week of your life.
Do we do anything besides debate? CONA is a working conference, so most of the time is taken by committee hearings, General Assembly and Plenary. Delegates will spend approximately ten hours per day in CONA activities. There is one free afternoon, but the rest of the week delegates are in committee hearings and general assembly from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m.
Conference dates: June 27 - July 4
Location and logistics: Hurricane Helene devastated the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly Conference Center in Black Mountain, NC, our CONA home for decades. As a result, the 2025 CONA will move to APPALACHIAN STATE UNIVERSITY.
Approximate cost: $1,100 - $1,500. We continue to work on conference travel logistics and will confirm the price soon. The fees will include your conference fees, lodging, and most if not all meals. It also includes a conference t-shirt and a delegation t-shirt. Payment plans are available.