Applicant(s) certify the above information is complete and accurate, is not misleading or does not have any material omission, and that the applicant intends for Cornerstone Equipment Solutions Corp to rely on the information in deciding whether or not to enter into the transaction. The Applicant(s) authorize Cornerstone Equipment Solutions Corp, it’s subsidiaries, it’s agents and/or assigns, to verify the information contained herein and to make such additional inquiries as reasonably may be associated with this Application for future credit purposes, from banks, Lessors, other lending institutions, credit bureaus, business creditors, and other references listed or unlisted on this Application, and that such information, along with this Application, shall remain Cornerstone Equipment Solutions Corp property. Applicant also agrees for this information to be transmitted over the internet and a fax or photocopy of this application shall be valid as the original. Applicant further consents to receive all fax communications sent by or on behalf of Cornerstone Equipment Solutions Corp and it’s subsidiaries.