Alberta Education is collecting this personal information pursuant to section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (F OIP Act) as the information relates directly to and is necessary to meet its mandate and responsibilities to measure system effectiveness over time and develop policies, programs and services to improve Aboriginal learner success.
Pursuant to section 13 and 14 of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA), Level 2 accredited private schools in Alberta are collecting this information in order to develop policies, programs and services to improve Aboriginal learner success.
For further information or if you have questions regarding the collection activity by Alberta Education, please contact the office of the Director, Aboriginal Policy, Strategic Services Division, Alberta Education, 10155-102 Street, Edmonton AB, T5J 4L5, (780) 427-8501. If you have questions regarding the collection activity by the school, please contact the school principal.
*To be completed only if associate board is supervising Home Education
16. Section 23 Francophone Education Eligibility Declaration +
Section 2 (1) of the Student Record Regulation states that:
The student record of a student must contain all information affecting the decisions made about the education of the student that is collected or maintained by a board, regardless of the manner in which it is maintained or stored including
(s) if the parent of a student is eligible to have the student taught in the French language pursuant to section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a notation to indicate that and a notation to indicate whether the parent wishes to exercise that right.
Pursuant to Section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms:
- Citizens of Canada
- whose first language learned and still understood is French; or who have received their primary school instruction in Canada in French have the right to have their children receive primary
- and secondary instruction in French; or of whom any child has received or is receiving primary or secondary school instruction in French in Canada,
- have the right to have all their children receive primary and secondary school instruction in the same language.
In Alberta, parents can only exercise this right by enrolling their child in a French first language (Francophone) program offered by a Francophone Regional authority.