Welcome, and thank you for taking part in our Care at Home: Malnutrition Training.
This training has been developed in partnership between Food Train, NHS Tayside and Dundee Health & Social Care Partnership to help you with identifying malnutrition (as under-nutrition), and how to support older people who may be struggling to eat and drink well at home.
Ahead are 8 short videos that cover topics such as what can cause malnutrition, signs & symptoms, and simple tips to help boost someone’s appetite.
It should take approx. 40 mins to watch all the videos, so grab a cuppa and feel free to take notes as you go along.
We also have a Malnutrition Training Workbook which you can download and work through whilst watching the videos, or save it for afterwards.
This training is informal and is supported by multiple care agencies including the Care Inspectorate.