Registration Terms
NPJS reserves the right to cancel any session, at any time.
NPJS or its contractors may photograph or videotape sessions and events at the conference. By attending the conference, attendees understand and agree to allow their images to be used by NPJS in its publications, on its website, and in marketing or promotional materials. Photo images may also be shared with the media. Attendance at the meeting waives NPJS from liability resulting from these uses.
NPJS may share your registration information with its sponsors and vendors. By registering for the conference, you agree to allow this information to be shared and understand that you may be contacted by our vendors.
Any and all liability of the National Partnership for Juvenile Services (NPJS) with respect to attendance, registration, reservations, cancelations, changes in the location or content of the program, and refunds is limited to a sum no greater than the registration fee paid. Under no circumstances shall NPJS be liable for incidental or consequential damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, the cost of transportation or lodging. Conference attendee waives all claims of any kind against NPJS and its respective employees and agents arising from their participation in the conference. The attendee further agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless NPJS and its respective employees and agents from any and all damages, claims, or other liabilities resulting from any act or omission connected with attendee’s participation in the conference, whether negligent or not. The attendee’s liability shall include all losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from or out of or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences which result from or out of the attendee’s participation in the conference. Attendees agree to adhere to all health and safety requirements mandated by hotel and local/state jurisdictions.
Submission of registration and payment constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions herein.