The following requirements must be met by your school during the grant period (August 1, 2023 - April 14, 2024):
All kindergarten and Grade 1 students (including developmental PreK if they are served by the school) will be allowed to take home more than one book per week starting in the first semester of school.
Students in all grades will be allowed to check out nonfiction books.
All grant funds will be spent on age-appropirate books for PreK, kindergarten, or Grade 1 students. Funds can be spent on fiction or on nonfiction books, but at least 40% of the funds must be spent on nonfiction books. Age-appropriate titles for these grade levels must take into account the interest levels for young children and include primarily good quality, read-aloud titles for family members to read to students in these grades, not necessarily reading levels of K-1 students. Book purchases may include books with interest level up to Grade 2.
Accelerated Reader tests, library software, library shelving and signage are not allowable purchases with these funds.
Up to 50% of grant funds may be spent with any single publisher.
Grantee will compete both an interim grant report (due January 20, 2024) and a final grant report (due April 28, 2024). Grantee will be well-prepared for both grant reports by working with their school district personnel and tracking grant information throughout the grant period. Interim and final reports will require a list of fiction and nonfiction titles, a summary report of grant expenditures, circulation statistics by grade level (when possible), and feedback on changes in circulation practices.
All schools must hold a family literacy or other outreach event during the grant period. Some possibilities include Idaho Family Reading Week, a celebration of Read Across America, and El dia de los ninos/El dia de los libros. These events can be in-person or virtual, as circumstances permit. Some grant fund may be used to support this event:
-Up to a total of 20% of the grant funds can be used for allowable purposes other than the purchase of books for the collection. The funds used for book processing will be considered part of this 20%.
-Up to 5% of the grant award may be used for book processing and related supplies (i.e. MARC records, labels, barcodes, processing fees with vendors, protective laminant covers, etc.).
-Give-away books for students to encourage summer and/or out of school reading are allowable.
-Bilingual books for English-learning students to keep and take home to read with their adults are allowable.
-Food is not an eligible use for grant funds.