This agreement protects your access to controlled substances and to protect our ability to prescribe for you. The long-term use of such substances as opioids (narcotic analgesics), benzodiazepine, tranquilizers, and barbiturate sedatives is controversial because of uncertainty regarding the extent to which they provide long-term benefit. There is also the risk of an addictive disorder developing or of relapse occurring in a person with a prior addiction. Because these drugs have potential for abuse or diversion, strict accountability is necessary when use is prolonged. For this reason the following policies are agreed to by you, the patient, as consideration for, and a condition of, the willingness of the physician to consider the initial and/or continued prescription of controlled substances to treat your chronic pain.
1. All controlled substances must come from the patient's primary physician or, during his or her absence, by the covering physician, unless specific authorization is obtained for an exception. (Multiple sources can lead to untoward drug interactions or poor coordination of treatment).
2. You are expected to inform our office of any new medications or medical conditions, and of any adverse effects you experience from any of the medications that you take.
3. The prescribing physician has permission to discuss all diagnostic and treatment details with dispensing pharmacists or other professionals who provide your health care for purposes of maintaining accountability.
4. You may not share, sell, or otherwise permit others to have access to these medications.
5. Unannounced, random urine or serum toxicology screens may be requested, this will be at the patient's expense and your cooperation is required. Presence of unauthorized substances may be subject to discontinuation of medication and/or termination from care effective immediately.
6. Prescriptions and bottles of these medications may be sought by other individuals with chemical dependency and should be closely safeguarded. It is expected that you will take the highest possible degree of care with your medication and prescription. They should not be left where others might see or otherwise have access to them.
7. Since the drugs may be hazardous or lethal to a person who is not tolerant to their effects, especially a child, you must keep them out of reach of such people.
8. Medications may not be replaced if they are lost, get wet, are destroyed, left on an airplane etc. If your medication has been stolen and you complete a police report regarding the theft, an exception may be made.
9. Early refills will generally not be given.
10. If the responsible legal authorities have questions concerning your treatment, as might occur, for example, if you were obtaining medications at several pharmacies, all confidentiality is waived and these authorities may be given full access to our records of controlled substances administration.
11. It is understood that failure to adhere to these policies may result in cessation of therapy with controlled substance prescribing by this office and referral for further specialty assessment.
12. Precription renewals are contingent on keeping scheduled appointments and completing the required controlled substance paperwork. Please do not phone for prescriptions after hours or on weekends.
13. The risks and potential benefits of these therapies will be discussed between you and your provider.