Total Hours - Private and Public Lands
Enter total hours spent on private and public lands including travel time. Indicate if you are reporting hours for yourself or hours for other volunteers. Please report hours in the following five categories:
Use the map entry "FLT System-wide" where the nature of the work was not specific to any particular map or map grouping, but rather applied to the entire FLT system. If the work applies to a FLT Region or anorganization or sponsor section, please use those map groupings.
Only the first Map(s) entry is required. The additional lines are for those hours worked on additional maps, organizations, regions, or if your role is different from the first line.
If you are reporting hours for yourself and for other volunteers, you can use another submission to separate them if you wish.
Public Land Hours
Enter the hours included in your total hours above that were spent on public lands including travel time.
If you reported hours above under "FLT System-wide", enter 50% of those hours under "FLT System-wide" below, as about half of our trail is on public land.
If you reported hours above on a public road not involved with public lands (blazing, signs, etc.) enter those hours as "Any public road" below.
Please check your form before submitting. We recommend that you save a copy of your form using the Print Form button below; if you do, you must do so before submitting.
IMPORTANT: If you submit this form more than once, please add a comment above to explain why.