St. James PK3 and PK4 program is religious exempt by the State of Alabama Department of Human Resources. However, we follow regulations to children being potty trained before starting school. Because we do not have a diapering facility (according to the Department of Human Resources), all students in our PK3 and PK4 classes must be fully potty trained before starting school. Of course, we recognize that accidents may occur, but the school may also deem an excessive number of accidents as reason to ask parents to keep a child home until they are fully potty trained. A series of three (or more) bathroom accidents within a two-week period indicates that the child is not yet fully potty -trained. In this case, the child will be asked to remain home for a time determined by St. James Episcopal School personnel until he/she can demonstrate independence of their toileting needs. Pull-ups are not permitted to be worn at school.
With regards to self-care, the child must be able to wipe independently. If an accident should occur, the teacher will walk the child through the wiping process to ensure they are adequately clean.