For the Healer who knows she's made for MORE.
You’ve walked through the flames, now it’s time to rise above it all stepping into the Soul Remembrance of who you are and what it is you're here to do - while OWNING IT.
What you're doing and how you're healing your clients isn't even of this planet. You're showing up and helping clients through powerful transformations.
Now? It's time to shake up the Healing industry and become ICONIC with the work you're doing on your soul mission as you raise the frequency of the planet and literally change the tragetory of the experience on Earth.
During our 6 months together we will be traveling to the depths and unlocking your soul's codes that are unique to you so you can expand your healing business to 6 figures in alignment with your soul's purpose, mission and passion.
What's inside your 1:1 Journey
6 months POWERFULLY transformational experience
✨(2) 60 Minute 1:1 calls/mo
✨(1) 60 Minute healing session/mo
✨Tuesday-Friday 1:1 Private Chat
✨Access to the Evolution Membership & My Full Product Suite
Our big focus is a completely tailored to you experience and also includes:
🔥Becoming ICONIC: While clearing any of the bs beliefs that come up as we raise the floor in which you stand on and deepening your embodiment of WHO YOU ARE
🔥Soul Gift Amplification
🔥Deepening your embodiment at a soul level into your human experience
🔥Past life & Subconscious Healing
🔥Subconscious & Energetic Shadow Work plus Hypnosis (personalized)
🔥Masculine & Feminine Harmonization
🔥Clarity through Cycle Magick as a Woman and how to integrate it into your business as your grow to 6 figures +
Utilizing my Grounded Spiritual Approach and Quadfecta Method:
energetic mastery, subconscious reprogramming (with the RRT perspective), spiritual abilities &psychic gifts, energy healing (with quantum illumination reiki™️)