2024 HFTP Global Board of Directors Application
This application is for the HFTP Global Board of Directors 2024-2027 term. The application deadline is May 1, 2024. Please note upon completion of this application, applicants for the Director positions are required to have an interview with the Nominating Committee. Interviews will take place Monday, June 24th in conjunction with HITEC. To ensure you are prepared for the Nominating Committee interview, please review the HFTP Bylaws and Strategic plan. Both documents are located on the HFTP website. If you have any questions about this application or the interview process, please contact Millicent Athanos at Millicent@HFTP.org
Title/Area of Responsibility
Preferred Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Work Phone
Mobile Phone
Preferred Email
Current Designations Held
Other (please specify below)
Hospitality Industry/Area of Specialty
CPA Firm
Food & Beverage
Other (please specify below)
Scope of Position
Property/Single-Unit/Single Location
Please answer the following questions.
1. When did you join HFTP?
2. Why did you join HFTP?
3. Describe how membership in HFTP has impacted your life/career:
4. Have you sponsored new members to HFTP? If yes, please describe your personal experience as a sponsor:
5. Please list your volunteer history on HFTP Advisory Councils, and/or Task Forces:
6. Employment History (please begin with the most recent). You will also attach your resume below.
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7. Degrees/Honors/Awards:
8. Please list your attendance in HFTP programs/events/conferences: (For example: Professional development seminars, Webinars, HITEC Europe, HITEC North America, HITEC Dubai, the CIO/CFO Events, Entrepreneur20x competitions, the Annual Convention, the Club Summit, Club & Hotel Controllers Conference, the Club Forum, and CYBER HITEC) *
9. Membership and/or participation in other societies/associations:
10. What other boards have you served, or currently serve, as director and/or officer?
11. Do you report directly or indirectly to any current member of the HFTP Board of Directors? If yes, please describe:
12. Does any current member of the HFTP Board report directly or indirectly to you? If yes, please describe:
13. Please describe your experience as a public speaker/presenter/instructor:
14. Please identify some HFTP association strengths and weaknesses in assessing and responding to the needs of the membership: A.) the association as a whole and B.) a specific industry segment:
15a. What is your primary access to HFTP resources?
Attendance at HFTP events
HFTP Webinars
HFTP Website
Other (elaborate below)
15b. Other/Comments
16. What is your definition of association networking?
17. Do you think it should be a qualification for an HFTP Director or Officer to hold an HFTP issued designation? Why or Why Not?
18. What prompted you to apply to be on the HFTP Global Board?
3 Letters of Support/Recommendation (REQUIRED)
Please attach three letters supporting your nomination as a candidate of HFTP office. One letter should be from your employer, acknowledging the time and resource commitment required. Please note that current Executive Committee and Board members are not permitted to write letters of recommendation. These letters can be submitted directly to Millicent at Millicent@HFTP.org. Please note they must be submitted by the application deadline.
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Applicant Statement: To the best of my knowledge I have answered everything on this application truthfully and have not given any information intended to deceive or made any false statement that might be construed as such.
I agree
Applicant Statement: Your interview is very important not only to you, but also to the members of the Nominating Committee. By submitting below, you acknowledge that you agree to the interview process taking place virtually the first week in May 2023.
I agree
Applicant Statement: I DO want to receive email from HFTP and I understand my application will be shared with the Nominating Committee.
Please ensure all information is accurate and correct before clicking the submit button below.
HFTP GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS Email: Millicent.Athanos@HFTP.org Ph: +1 (512) 220-6449
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