What was your refund last year before fees?
Phone number
Your Age or Birthday
Did you file 2023 taxes?
Have you been verified through ID.Me?
Do you have any dependents? If so, what is the birthday of the child(ren)?*
Did you recieve Obama care or individual health care from marketplace(1095-A form)*
Have you done any other work on the side other than on your W2?*** Anything you did and got paid for is considered work (Uber, Door Dash, Hair, Trainer, etc)*
(W2 is preferred) but you can send your WAGES, TIPS, and other AND federal income tax withheld numbers from your W2 to get a FREE QUOTE! Type N/A*
Self employed ONLY* What is your job description & about how much INCOME in 2023?
Self employed ONLY* How much money did you put towards your business and on what? BE SPECIFIC!*
Please ADD referral name here! Any questions? Add any additional information here!*
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