MLK Parade Float Rules
Sponsored by Colquitt County Branch NAACP
1. Float Judging will judge during the time of line up. “Parade - Ready” float must be ready for presentation to the judges. If there will be riders / walkers in the parade, they must be there and in place at this time for judging. Entire float “entry” will be judged. If not ready when judges arrive, entry will be able to be in the parade, but will be disqualified for competition. Those placing 1st, 2nd or 3rd place will have a display added to the float by the judges or NAACP representative indicating such for spectators to see.
2. No one may get on or off the float once it has started down the parade route.
3. No dangling legs over the edge of the float.
4. No candy or other items can be thrown during the parade. Walkers may hand out these items if desired.
5. All floats must be of the “pull behind” type on a trailer.
6. There must be a responsible adult present if any children are riding or walking with the float.
7. No real weapons / firearms allowed, except by law enforcement, on any float entry.
8. No smoking or alcoholic beverages on any parade entry at any time before or during the parade. Safety first!
9. The pull vehicle must be able to travel slow enough to avoid stalling. Note: If you have motorized 4-wheelers, go karts, motorcycles or such, NO Horse Playing!
10. Floats must be decorated on all four sides.
11. No fire or flame-producing devices are allowed on floats. Note: NO Sirens! Please!
12. Floats will be judged on the following:
Whether “ALL IN: Lifiting Every Voice”! Is incorporated into the float theme.
Originality (Original artwork only please)
Overall appearance and adherence to all listed rules.